Custom condition in Admin panel

Table of Contents

Custom Condition #

Visit Admin Panel->SALES & CASHBACK->Custom Condition.

  1. Enter the Store name.
  2. Enter Minimum Order Amount for that store which you have selected.
  3. Enter Maximum Order Amount for that store which you have selected.
  4. Enter Flat Cashback Amount which you get while purchase from that store.
  5. Enter Start Date.
    -Note:- Custom cashback is going to start on that date which you mentioned above
  6. Enter End Date.
    -Note:- Custom cashback is going to end on that date which you mentioned above
  7. Enter its Priority.
    -Note:- If you made two rules of same store then it is going to assign by the priority whosever priority will high will assign first.
  8. When Enabled is ON then the cashback is applied.