How to set FAQ page?

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FAQ page #

Visit Admin Panel-> CMS-> Pages->Frequently Asked Question->Edit.

  1. Enter the Title of the Page.
  2. Enter the Slug.
    – Note:- A slug is the last part of the URL containing a unique string that identifies the resource being served by the web service. In that sense, a slug is a unique identifier for the resource. For example :- affiliate-marketing-tips is a Slug.

Steps:-Visit Content->Hero Section.

  1. Enter the Title Name.
  2. Enter the Description related to the topic.
  3. enter the Button Name.
  4. Enter the Button URL.
  5. Upload background image by clicking on choose img buttonand remove background image by clicking on the Remove Img button.
    – Size:- 80*20 Pixels.
  6. Select the Style from the drop-down list.