How to set up your home page?

Home Page configuration #


Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Slider.

  1. Slider
    1. Enter the Title of the slider.
    2. Enter the Descriptions that are related to the title.
    3. Enter the First Button Text.
    4. Enter the First Button URL.
    5. Enter the Second Button Text if any.
    6. Enter the Second Button URL if any.
    7. Upload the slide image by clicking on the upload button.
  2. Add slide by simply clicking on add slide button.
  3. Enter slide height as per need.
  4. Select the Style from the drop-down list.

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Section.

  1. Enter the Heading.
  2. Enter the Descriptions related to the heading.
  3. Blocks
    1. Upload the icon by clicking on the upload button.
    2. Enter the Title of the block.
    3. Enter the Content related to the title.
  4. Add a row by clicking on the add row button.
  5. Select the Style from the drop-down list.

How It Works:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Section.

  1. Enter the Heading.
  2. Enter the Descriptions related to the heading.
  3. Blocks
    1. Upload the icon by clicking on the upload button.
    2. Enter the Title of the block.
    3. Enter the Content related to the title.
  4. Add a row by clicking on the add row button.
  5. Select the Style from the drop-down list.

Call To Action:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Call To Section.

  1. Upload the Background Image by clicking on the upload button.
  2. Enter the Title name.
  3. Enter the Descriptions related to the title.
  4. Enter the Register button name.
    Note:- Register Popup will open when clicking this button
  5. Enter the Login button name.
    Note:- Login Popup will open when clicking this button
  6. Enter the Third button name if any.
  7. Enter the third button URL.
  8. select the style from the drop-down list.

Top Fundraiser:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Top Fundraiser.

  1. Enter the Title name.
  2. Enter the Descriptions related to the title.
  3. Enter the Button’s name.
  4. Enter the Button URL.
  5. Select the Logic from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter the Count value.
    Note:- How many no. of the image is going to display on the front end side.
  7. Select the Style from the drop-down list.

Top Store:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Top Store

  1. Enter the Title name.
  2. Enter Description related to the title if any.
  3. Select the style from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the Button’s Name.
    Note:- It’s made for “style2” only.
  5. Enter the Button URL.
    Note:- It’s made for “style2” only.
  6. Select the Logic from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the Count value.
    Note:- Total no of Stores within one specific category to be shown on the front end that basically comes under the “Style3”.
  8. Enter the Category Count value.
    Note:- Total no of Store Category to be shown on the front end that basically comes under the “Style3”.

Top Offers & Coupons:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->offers & coupons

  1. Enter the Title name.
  2. Select the Style from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Display from the drop-down list.
    Note:- There are 3 types of display- Grid, Carousel, and list.
  4. Enter No Of Deals in one row appear.
  5. Select the Logic from the drop-down list
  6. Enter the Lifetime Value.
  7. Enter the Category id.
    Note:- you can get Category id from WordPress Admin->Coupon->Category->id
  8. Enter the Button Name.
  9. Enter the Button URL.
  10. Enter the Slider Speed.
    Note:- That’s basically for Display type= “Carousel”.

Call To Action:-

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Call To Action.

  1. Upload the Background Image by clicking on the upload button.
  2. Enter the Title name.
  3. Enter the Descriptions related to the title.
  4. Enter the Register button name.
    Note:- Register Popup will open when clicking this button
  5. Enter the Login button name.
    Note:- Login Popup will open when clicking this button
  6. Enter the Third button name if any.
  7. Enter the third button URL.
  8. select the style from the drop-down list.


Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Testimonial.

  1. Enter the Title.
  2. Blocks.
    1. Enter the Author Name.
    2. Enter the Author Designation.
    3. Upload Author Image by clicking on the button and also remove it by clicking on the button.
    4. Enter the Author Text.
  3. Add a row by clicking on Add Row button.
  4. Upload Testimonial Right side Img by clicking on the button.
  5. Select the Style from the drop-down list.

Newsletter:- #

Visit WordPress Admin->Pages->All Pages->Home->Newsletter.

  1. Enter the Title name.
  2. Enter the Description related to the title.
  3. Upload the Newsletter Image by clicking on the button.
  4. select the Style from the drop-down list.