Why different Register on Laraback Web & App

Watch this recording at https://app.usebubbles.com/s4dFavMtNp5TBZRhe8yjPu/different-register-on-laraback-web-and-app

Register WEB #

  • Enter the Email Address and Password to register under the website.
  • In background we send an email to complete the email verification and if OTP verification enabled then it’s also been completed with email received verifcation

Register APP

  • But in app during registration we ask for mobile number, email id and password
  • After that we asked them to enter OTP which are received on their mail and mobile no

Why different registration in app and web #

  • You will get many many new user on website through organic SEO and those users may not have been very well versed with your brand so they may not share lot of information during registration.
  • When you create a complicated registration process then it may drop the user registration, so we make the registration flow simple in web.
  • When somebody installing your app which means he is the loyal user, knows your brand from before, and he also know the values that your brand provides, so they can share the more details while registration.
  • when we take the same flow like web in app then user has to switch between the email and the app multiple times, that may interrupt the flow.
  • App and web both are sync with each other, so the user who register through website later they can login in app also.