Power-up Business with Add-ons

Scale up the ladder by opting for various add-ons that will enhance your business outlook among the customers.


Recently Deployed Projects

gorilla coupon

We worry about the details so you don’t have to. We ensure that your website meets all industry standards when you work with our EnactSoft.

design (1)

New Design

  • Graphics Design
  • Prototype Design
  • Layout Design
  • Logo Design
  • App Design
  • Custom Design
  • How It Works Video
  • Introductory Video
deployment (3)

Functionality Development

  • Third-Party Integration
  • Network Integration
  • Social Login
  • Share & earn
  • Refer & Earn
referral bonus

Consultation & Support

  • Bug-free Support
  • Free Consultation
  • Product Updates
  • Customization Support
  • Live Chat Support
  • Documentation
  • Video Tutorial
Integration Capabilities


  • DigitalOcean VPS
  • AWS Setup
  • Autoscaling
  • Cloudflare
  • SSL Setup
  • Business Email Setu

Managed Services

  • Content Management
  • Graphics Design
  • Security Monitoring
  • Stores, Coupons Update
  • Maintain Up Time
  • Affiliate Relationship
rapid integration

Marketing & Business Support

  • Business Insights
  • Industry Best Practices
  • Tips and blogs on Growth Hacking
  • Trends & tricks
  • SEO & Marketing Strategies

Affiliate Networks

Store & commission rate creation via API

Fetch store meta data & commission rates automatically from network database.


Sale API integration

Award cashback to users fully automatically by integrating Sale API from network.


Network Postback

Implement the network specific postback once the base system is inplace.


Postback System

Track transaction and award cashback instantaneous with network postback integration.


Coupon import via API

Coupons import from network fully automatically with network coupon API integration.

Services / API Integrations/ Networks


Digital Ocean VPS Setup

VPS configuration, security setup, development & website deployment


AWS Setup

Instance setup, CDN setup, (without auto scale), website deployment


SSL Certificate Setup

Cloudflare free SSL setup to make your website https secured


Business Email Setup

Your branded domain name business email setup using ZOHO. Create 5 personal and 100 group email for FREE


Cloudflare Setup

Website security enhancement by routing Cloudflare setup. The free plan is sufficient to being with.


Mailgun Setup

System generated email sending setup using Mailgun. Mailgun account to be provided by client. Free plan is enough.



Capture subscribers & create an automated list on MailChimp to send the promotional emails.



Verify users by asking for a mobile number with OTP to prevent fraud cashback payment.


Security Monitoring System

Install a separate security monitoring system for various breaches and threat vigilance.

Affiliate Coupon Cashback Software

Premade cashback and coupon software for online as well as in-store including website, mobile app, and browser extensions.


Didn’t get your answer? Contact us if you have any queries.

Following third-party services are included out of the box:
Mailgun – to send a system-generated email notification to As mentioned on our business solution listing pages, there are all the needed functionalities out of the box. Now all those optional functionalities are kept out of the scope of the main package so that, it’s affordable. Yet, pay a nominal amount for these add-ons and get them included in your website/app so that it’s affordable and convenient.

Yes, you can get the add-ons implemented now or later also, the pricing will remain the same.

Import all sale transactions from the network automatically on your cashback website/app with sale data API integration. This helps automate the awarding cashback as soon as it’s tracked with the network fully automatically. Not just that, it keeps the network cashback transaction status in sync with the website and marks it as canceled/declined/confirmed/pending automatically.

If not integrated, you need to export the sale data from the affiliate network panel, format the CSV and upload it on the cashback panel. Moreover, you need to keep the order status, cashback amount in sync by keeping it updated regular basis.

Import all the merchant’s campaigns from the affiliate network automatically in your cashback website with all metadata like merchant name, URL, logo, info, etc as per the network API response. It also imports the commission rates available for the campaign and stores them on your website.

Fetch all the coupons from the affiliate network automatically and showcase it to your users. It imports all the coupons, tags it to your stores, and marks the status as expired when removed from the network fully automatically.

If your hosting is compatible with our required specifications, we help you deploy the website at a nominal charge.

Please note that any configuration changes required on your host need to be taken care of by you.

For more information, please share your hosting details so that our team will analyze and share the way forward.

Already Know the Project Requirement?

Request for the free business proposal now to get started today.
